This is a follow up question to Windows 7 Update Failed on Multiple attempts where I am having issues trying to install windows 7 monthly security roll up. Below is the error.

Windows Install Error

The problem might similar to Strange Windows 7 Security Monthly Quality Rollup Update failure. As part of root cause analysis, above question author has created cbs error log file.

Question: How do you create a cbs error log files?


1 Answer 1


You don't need to do anything. The CBS.log file is generated automatically by the Windows Installer Module service.

You will find the log at:


The most recent events will be found in the file named CBS.log. Each time the Windows Modules Installer service is started (e.g. at system startup) the current CBS.log file is compressed in a CbsPersist_<timestamp>.cab file. These archives are saved in the same folder.

Note that other functions such as System Restore also write events to the CBS log file.

Interesting side note: Sometimes the CBS.log archive process fails when Windows attempts to compress it but runs into the 2 GB CAB file size limit. If this happens, it can lead to exhaustion of all free space on the system drive because the log archive process will run repeatedly, generating hundreds of 128 MB temp files which eventually fill up the drive. (If this ever happens to you, this answer explains how to fix the problem.)

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