This is not a duplicate , because I tried the solution here How do I create a link in Windows 7 home premium as a regular user? and another solution too that I mention, and it didn't work and i'm asking what to do when that doesn't work.

I am running Windows 7

Here you see I get the message that I don't have sufficient privileges to do mklink. I'd like to be able to do it without running cmd as administrator.

C:\Users\har>echo %userprofile%

C:\Users\har>echo dsfdsfsd >ffff

C:\Users\har>mklink lsomefile ffff
You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation.


So I set "Create Symbolic Links" to include Everyone as well as my username. as described here How do I create a link in Windows 7 home premium as a regular user?

enter image description here

That didn't work, I still get that message.

And I tried a solution mentioned here http://blog.rlucas.net/rants/dont-bother-with-symlinks-in-windows-7/

And I tried this editrights command from cygwin, from cmd run as administrator(where editrights gives no error).

You do $editrights -a SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege -u [USERNAME] so in my case

$editrights -a SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege -u har

And I have restarted.

But it doesn't work I still get that message that I "do not have sufficient privilege"

1 Answer 1


If your user is in the Administrator security group then this setting has no effect: How can I create symbolic links in Windows 8.1 without an admin command prompt?

Other options: - remove yourself from Administrators (I wouldn't do this) - Enable Developer mode Windows 10 (no mucking with sec policies, it just works) - The option mentioned in the posts above, I haven't tried that so I have no in site to it's effectiveness.

  • 2
    User is using Windows 7 not Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 13, 2018 at 19:58
  • You could point out that from vista onwards, "If your user is in the Administrator security group then this setting has no effect:" the link you mention superuser.com/questions/839580/… mentions stackoverflow.com/questions/15320550/… whose answers mentions vista onwards, so including windows 7. Your second paragraph is interesting but, as you suggest, only applies to windows 10.
    – barlop
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 8:08

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