I use Windows 7 Professional and Excel 2013.

I would like to change dynamically a picture on a worksheet based on a value from a dropdown list. I found online 2 ways that seems to fit my problem. However, I can't seem to make either of them work.

My dropdown list is located on my first worksheet named "Product Dashboard" in cell D20. It refers to a list of bottle names in another worksheet called "Bottle" in cell: "A2:A50" In the same worksheet "Bottle" in cell: "K2:K50" I have a serie of bottle picture corresponding to the bottle names of A2:A50. I would like to make the bottle picture corresponding to the value in the drop down list appear dynamically approximatley around the L20:N26 area. See pictures.Product dashboard worksheetBottle worksheet

the 2 methods that I found online and can basically understand involve named range: https://exceloffthegrid.com/automatically-change-picture/ https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/4025-excel-dynamic-image-in-cell.html

in Formula/new name, I tried to define a new range "Bottleimagelookup" referring to either one of these 2 formulas:

=INDEX(Table1[Picture],MATCH('Product Dashboard'!$D$20,+Table1[Bottle Name],0))


=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(2-1+MATCH('Product Dashboard'!$D$20,+Table1[Bottle Name], 0), 11))

However, each time, excel tells me: "We found a problem with this formula. Try clicking Insert Function ,etc.". See picture.enter image description here

Do you know what is it that I am doing wrong? Would you know how to correct the formulas above or have a way that could solve my initial problem?

Thanks in advance for you help!

  • Why do you have the + before Table1in your MATCH() formulas? I don’t see it in either of the reference pages you cited, and it looks superfluous at best, and possibly irregular.  Try it without the +. Commented Dec 26, 2017 at 3:10
  • Thank you for your answer! I did what you recommanded (I also replaced the "," in the formula by ";") and now the range is nmaed without problem.
    – user856169
    Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 8:21

1 Answer 1


Yes, I tested please change your formula to:

=INDEX(Table1[Picture],MATCH('Product Dashboard'!$D$20,Table1[Bottle Name],0))


=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(2-1+MATCH('Product Dashboard'!$D$20,Table1[Bottle Name], 0), 11))

Remove the + from your formulas.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Thank you for your answer! I did what you recommanded (I also replaced the "," in the formula by ";") and now the range is named without problem! So now I have a new range named "Bottleimagelookup". However, a new problem appears. After naming the range, I have to copy paste one of the picture where I want the relevant picture to appear. Then select the pasted picture and change the adress in the formula bar by the new named range ( in my case "Bottleimagelookup"). However, when I do so, Excel now tells me that the "Reference is not valid." Do you know know what I did wrong?
    – user856169
    Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 9:01

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