I'm using arch-linux and I have installed a package from the aur. I want to know what changes it has made to my computer (specifically which files it has installed). Is this information available, and if so, what command do I use to get the information?

I've tried pacman -F... with various options but this seems to only work with packages from the repositories. I'm happy use a tool like yaourt or aura if that is necessary.

1 Answer 1


-F is just like -S and accesses pacman's database of available repository packages – which does not include AUR because that's not a pacman repository (unless you're using a third-party "prebuilt AUR packages" repository).

In this case you want to query the database of locally installed packages, which includes everything that's installed right now (regardless of source), which is done through -Q:

pacman -Ql package_name

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