My laptop battery won't charge anymore, sits at 0%, and the laptop only operates if plugged to the AC adapter (it detects the power cord, but charge remains at 0%) The battery is already 2.5 years old, saw extensive use (at least daily recharge). so I wouldn't be surprised if it is damaged/beyond repair, but could it just be a software issue? I'm running Arch Linux.

  • 1
    Can the bios report any info re the battery? Number of cycles , original capacity, current capacity, whether connected and recognised...
    – Solar Mike
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 22:26
  • In Mac, I know you can generate battery reports using the ioreg command. ArchLinux probably has a similar command. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 22:46
  • It's likely dead, but a common reason for this is that the charging of cells in series has become imbalanced. I've split the case for a 3-cell battery and found that one of the type-18650 cells was discharged, but two others were fully charged. Putting the discharged cell in a one-cell charger fixed the issue. Caveat: a mistake here could cause fire or explosion. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 23:25

1 Answer 1


This sounds like a dead battery. If you are charging the device round the clock, it's highly likely that the battery will go out the window 2 years in.


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