I've been getting a strange error lately. When I put my computer in sleep mode and recover from it, the screen goes gray. I am then obligated to force-reboot (holding the power button) my computer. Also occasionally, when restarting (50% of the time) the computer at that moment, I get the Boot Error blue screen. See images.

I have no clue what causes this. I have ran a Windows Update check, and it's all good. Same for antivirus. I also ran on Cmd


But it returned everything was OK.

I'm lost! What could be the next steps?


blue screen

gray screen

1 Answer 1


Just follow the steps given below :

  1. Power on your computer.
  2. Enter into BIOS Setup.
  3. Go to Boot Tab.
  4. Highlight Boot Mode, press Enter, swap from "UEFI" to "Legacy Support". Under that Swap UEFI to legacy First
  5. Go to EXIT tab and highlight Exit saving changes. Press Enter.
  • Hi that does not work. When I boot the computer then, I get the error "No Bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key"
    – Anthony
    Commented Oct 3, 2017 at 10:57
  • You need to boot from Windows 10 installation media or recovery disc, then select repair your computer. Then follow this guide to fix malwaretips.com/threads/…
    – Waka
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 8:47

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