I use the rest-client to test REST APIs. It is basically just a .jar file, that is called via java -jar rest-client.jar. The rest-client uses two file extensions, in my case .rcq, to store data in files.

I want to let the explorer open .rcq files with java -jar rest-client.jar <infile>, however, if I configure it (via GUI) to use the JAR alone, it obviously doesn't work. I'd be fine with touching HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for this, as well, but don't know the exact syntax.

By the way: It's WinXP.

1 Answer 1


In two steps:

  1. Open Explorer, right-click an .rcq file and choose Open, then Select from list, choose java.exe and click OK after checking "Always use the selected program".

  2. Still in Explorer, open Tools -> Folder options, File types tab, click on .rcq in the list, then Advanced. Click on Open, then Edit, and add the additional parameters to the displayed command.

  • This works on my Vista machine (+1). Unfortunately, here I'm stuck with WinXP "Home" (which, in my experience, basically means: "Ey, user! You're so ignorant, we don't give you any advanced controls via GUI"), otherwise I'd accept the answer.
    – Boldewyn
    Commented Mar 29, 2010 at 14:46
  • @Boldewyn: One can also do the same thru the registry. Which step doesn't work for you? And do you have regedit in Home (there are alternatives if not).
    – harrymc
    Commented Mar 29, 2010 at 14:52
  • You may also copy the registry entries from the Vista machine to XP. Start with HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.rcq which will probably point to rcqfile, so you also need HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\rcqfile. Dump them to .reg files and double-click on them in XP to enter into the registry.
    – harrymc
    Commented Mar 29, 2010 at 15:21
  • Thanks for the hints. There was a key rcq_auto_file instead of rcqfile, that I needed to change, but else editing the registry worked just fine.
    – Boldewyn
    Commented Mar 30, 2010 at 7:27
  • The "File Types" tab only works for Windows XP. They removed it since Windows Vista. Now we have to modify registry ourselves. Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 23:31

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