I'm using Rails 5.1 with the Webpacker configuration that is now by default integrated in Rails. I've followed this article "Rails 5.1 loves Javascript" to get me on the right track.

So far so good. If run rails s on a shell and ./bin/webpack-dev-server --host I can work on the application locally on my desktop.

The issue appears when I try to debug on iphone via my local wifi.

The phone can connect to the local machine via port 3000 and browse the entire application, but apparently it cannot find server and therefore the webpack bundle. Infact it throws this error:

Failed to load resources: cannot connect to server

I've already tried running ./bin/webpack-dev-server --host but I get the same error.

How do I need to set webpack-dev-server so Rails can load webpack resources?

I've also opened an issue on the official github of rails/webpacker.

1 Answer 1


My bad, everything works fine, I just didn't know I needed to connect to the local machine IP. Basically and aren't accessible outside the local machine. Therefore you need to explicitly declare which is the host when exposing Webpack dev server.

Adding the machine IP (which was I've been able to connect:

./bin/webpack-dev-server --host

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