When I first start my laptop, it's decently fast, but at one point, it suddenly gets a dramatic cut in speed. Nothing loads fast, sound is incredibly choppy and it's a pain to use. Sometimes, it'll return to normal. I have a tab with some music pinned, and it runs great for ~2-3 minutes. I'm running Win10, and I've had the laptop since late last July. Speccy: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/lNMiz0XfhE4pz4IW1i0OvHE

Some stuff I've tried:

Malwarebytes (all types of scan)

ESET scan

AdwCleaner scan

Clean booting


Cleared up free space

Defragging drive

System file checker

Any help appreciated! :)

  • and it runs great for ~2-3 minutes - And what do you do in these 2-3 minutes? For all we can assume, it's possible you are opening 128 Youtube-tabs in Firefox at the same time, resulting in 100% usage of both RAM and CPU. But seriously: what processes are running, and what does Task Manager say about the CPU/RAM/HDD-usage before/when the issue occurs?
    – flolilo
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 1:10
  • I got some screenshots. Sorry for them being out of order: imgur.com/a/kHZzQ
    – Technicide
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 1:35
  • What's in the startupsection? Can you look at the processes-tab and make a screenshot of the most CPU-and HDD-demanding processes?
    – flolilo
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 10:25

1 Answer 1


It looks like your disk was at 100%. I had a similar problem in Windows 10 with the Superfetch service (seems it tries to improve performance, but overloads the disk).

I disabled this service and everything is now responsive:

Start -> Run -> services.msc

Find superfetch, double-click and select Startup type -> Disabled

Although I would run an error check on the disk to be safe as it might be failing.

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