I have same drive as in the link bellow spare after upgrading. I'm going to get a desktop and I've been looking into what parts I already have that I could use to lower the cost.

Link to hard drive on argos.co.uk

Can this particular drive be used as an internal hard drive?

  • 1
    The only way to determine that would be to open up the enclosure and look at the actual HDD contained within it. This of course depending if that is a destructive process break the enclosure itself.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 15:00
  • 1
    No you can't : Canvio disks are meant to be used only on USB connectors by design, see that video on chunking a canvio external drive youtu.be/vagCWvdCOVU?t=130 If you want to do that, you shall go to other brands like that one : youtu.be/qTJQr7Ur9SA?t=145
    – baobab33
    Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 16:11

2 Answers 2


It seems you can indeed do that. Here is a video of someone 'shucking' another Toshiba Canvio.

However, in the comments, someone posted:

NOTE: The latest releases of the Canvio 2.5" series are PROPRIETARY DRIVES. The drives themselves no longer have a separate USB 2/3 controller: It's incorporated onto the HD's controller board DIRECTLY.

Make sure that the PHYSICAL SIZE of the external housing is at least 3/4" longer than the usual 2.5" hard drive BEFORE buying it, otherwise, you'll be stuck with a "permanent external-ONLY drive."

This is why few technically oriented people buy WD 2.5" externals any more...they're ALL designed with the USB controller as a part of the HD controller board.

All things considered, you should really consider using an SSD to install your programs, if at all possible. It makes your computer a lot faster.

  • Thanks for the answer. SSD is pretty expensive though and I want plenty of space for programs. How about if i buy a 2TB SSHD drive rather than a HHD? Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 21:34
  • Would that make a lot of difference (but with out the price tag). It's mostly ram the CPU that seems to be the bottleneck on my current HDD laptop. Though its got 2 i7 cores not the 4 i5s i was thinking and there 1/2 the speed and its got 8GB ram where as I was going to get 16GB and there should be ports to expand that if needed. Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 21:47
  • A SSHD is an option as well. Commented Aug 18, 2017 at 13:06

If you are ready to get into the internals of hard drive you can do that how to convert a USB HDD drive board to SATA HDD drive and you will need to invest money into another board, and the tools + software required. Is it worth it ?

Quick and dirty way

Connexion scheme

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