I'm currently playing with VirtualBox and one of the things that annoy me with it is that you have to do such a workaround to get it to boot from USB. So I'm thinking of automating this with a batch file. But one of the problems that I run into is that the command needs the index number of the physical device that is your USB drive, not the drive letter. The original instructions I found ask you to open the disk management app, look-up the drive number and add it to the command by hand. But I'm trying to make a batch file that will show the user the drive index number and the physical device's model tag in a list a bit like this

Drive Name
0     Hitachi HDS721050CLA660
1     Sony Storage Media USB Device
2     SanDisk SanDisk Ultra USB Device

I was originally thinking of using the fdisk -l function like in Linux but that won't work. So, I ended up using WMIC to get some information

wmic diskdrive list /format:list

but that only gives me a long list, not the only information I want. Anybody got an idea?

2 Answers 2


Since the USB drive should be seen as Mediatype Removable Media

wmic diskdrive where "MediaType='Removable Media'" get index,model
  • That works very well... it's even cleaner than what I expected. Too bad there is so little good documentation on wmic...
    – Flaver-D
    Commented Jul 22, 2017 at 16:40

I just figured it out! And it was simpler than expected

wmic diskdrive get index,model


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