I am very new to writing batch files and I cannot get the two newest files from one folder to copy into another folder. I have new folders automatically created everyday and I want to have them automatically move to the opposite place rather than having to move them manually everyday.
I was able to get the newest folder to move over but whenever I tried anything to get the second I had no luck. Any advice would be appreciated

  • You can create a symbolic link to connect those directories so that they automatically saved in your preferred folder.
    – Biswapriyo
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 20:22
  • Or can you have them automatically created in the correct location using whatever function is creating them?
    – HackSlash
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 21:04

1 Answer 1

  • Sort files backwards with Dir /B /O-D /A-D
  • Number the files with findstr /n
  • If number less or equal Xnewest - move

@Echo off
Set "Xnewest=2"
For /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in (
  'Dir /B /A-D /O-D ^| Findstr /N "^"'
) Do If %%A Leq %Xnewest% echo Move "%%B" "X:\Path\to\dest\"

If the output looks OK, remove the echo in the last line.

Sample output:

> dir /A-D/O-D
 Directory of A:\
07/21/2017  23:19               315 SU_1232190.cmd
07/21/2017  14:58               778 SO_45225802.cmd
07/19/2017  10:51               158 PassMinMax.cmd
07/19/2017  00:50                37 WhoStartedMe.cmd
07/18/2017  01:32             1.222 SO_45137227.cmd
               5 File(s)          2.510 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   1.049.776.128 bytes free
> SU_1232190.cmd
Move "SU_1232190.cmd" "X:\Past\to\dest\"
Move "SO_45225802.cmd" "X:\Past\to\dest\"

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