I'm in the process of setting up a backup procedure on a Windows 10 Home/Kubuntu 16.04 dual boot system using rsync.

I have created a virtual machine, which has these OS-es, and from the Windows subsystem for Linux launched rsync to copy the folders of the system drive to another. Then I booted into Ubuntu formatted my Windows drive, and copied the backed up files back.

Then I attempted to boot into Windows, but it was unsuccessful, because it couldn't find the registry. I have found out, that rsync was unable to copy the registry hives. I'm also unable to copy them in Windows Explorer. In Windows Explorer I get an error saying the file is open, and in bash I get a permission denied error, even when run as root, and sudo.

Is there some way to copy these hives, so I'll be able to do a complete system backup&restore with rsync easily? If not, are there some command line tools available for Windows, which can I use to copy the registry hives?

  • 1
    Copying the registry hive files isn't enough to backup your registry, there is no way to export and backup your registry, so it couldn't be imported into a new installation. While you can import a hive file, having done it, it will not be imported into usable locations (it's only to view it). The only way is to backup the installation itself.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jul 10, 2017 at 0:40
  • @Ramhound And I guess, I'm unable to backup the installation using rsync, and need a backup program for that. Commented Jul 10, 2017 at 8:03

1 Answer 1


Like Ramhound said - not going to work for you.

Plus this bug with Win10 preventing Registry backup creation (ghacks.net).

An excellent solution I've adopted for situations like this is Veeam's Agent for Microsoft Windows FREE

I don't know why you are dual-booting, but I've been happy to not run Windows on bare metal for well over 10 years now. That's how I deal with backing up most of my (clients') windows machines (and when I can't virtualize, I use veeam). They run virtually in Linux or Mac (or even FreeBSD, just for the hell of it). Licensing - yada yada yada.

Pick a virtualiztion environment and learn it. It is very freeing.

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