I have an issue with mapping NAS drive in win server.

  1. I can map it from my local machine, I cannot map it from this server. I have done everything and still cannot get through it.

  2. Server has static IP

  3. No firewalls

  4. I can ping the NAS but cannot net view or net use The error I get is when net use Z: \<server_ip>\<share> is :

    System error 64 has occurred. The specified network name is no longer available.

  5. Even when I try to map the share from Network folder, I get the same error

  6. Have tried to check for all services that must be enabled, they seem ok

It would be immensely helpful if someone could assist,

Thank you !


2 Answers 2


Sounds like a network hardware or network driver issue. This was sometimes a common error back in Vista because it introduced a SMB v2. This error now shows up again as Server 2012 introduced SMB v3.

See if there are any updates for your NAS. Note that there are a lot of NAS devices out there that still only support SMB 1. SMB 1 support was dropped in Server 2012 and Windows 8.1.

Also check your drivers. What version of windows is your local machine running?


Finally found the solution, it was related to routing, simply executing the following command fixed the issue: route add mask -p

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