Hi I am trying to install rEFInd 0.10.8 in MacOS 10.12 with Macbook Pro 15-inch early 2013 according rodsbooks Using Recovery Mode because SIP problem. I just follow step by step and got final result issue result. When I type "y", I found the rEFInd installed successfully when I reboot. But it's seems override MacOS(it's remove MacOS).

Any one has a solution? thx

1 Answer 1


Disable SIP first.
Then try again. To disable SIP, follow these steps:
Turn off your Mac (Apple > Shut Down)
Hold down Command-R and press the Power button. Keep holding Command-R until the Apple logo appears.
Wait for OS X to boot into the OS X Utilities window.
Choose Utilities > Terminal
Enter in Terminal: csrutil disable
Reboot into OSX Utilities window Then try to install rEFInd
Make sure to enable SIP after you're done installing rEFInd!

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