I've set up my Discord server to only send message notifications to a user if they are explicitly @mentioned by name in a conversation.

Server notification settings

I had originally had notifications on for All Messages by default, but this became an issue after we added a chat-controlled music bot to the server.

We got notifications for every single message

I don't want to spam chat notifications for channels like #bot-commands. But I do want to make sure notifications are turned on for important channels like #announcements or #general.

As a server owner, is there a way to turn notifications on or off by default for a specific channel?


4 Answers 4


Unfortunately, default notification settings can only be applied on a per-server basis in the current version of Discord.

One workaround is to mention @here or @everyone any time someone has an important announcement.

Notifying @everyone in a server

@here notifies all non-idle members currently online

@everyone notifies all members regardless of status

It's also worth noting that, if a user doesn't like @everyone notifications, they can disable it themselves on a per-server basis in Notification Settings.


Posting this so anyone seeing this in the future knows; Discord (at least the current version) has configurable "Categories" within which you can set a default notification type (All notifications, only @ mentions, none).

You can right click by the channel panel to create a new category, assign the notification type you want to that category, and then every channel that gets added to that category will use that category's default notification type. Note that server members will still be able to change the channel's notifications settings for themselves.

Creating a category

Setting category notifications

Category default used in channels

  • Future here, appreciated!
    – zrooda
    Commented Jan 30, 2023 at 13:07
  • Perfect answer, perfect feature Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 18:37

Not an answer exactly to your question but a workaround.

You can use a sticky bot that follows up on every message. It can then @mention any role you'd like to be triggered.

Usually sticky bots delete their own previous message so it won't clutter the channel more than one message.


idk what everyone is talking about with "work arounds" and what not but all you have to do is right click the channel and change the notification settings.

enter image description here

  • This changes notification settings for you as an individual user, not as the default settings for new users joining the server.
    – Stevoisiak
    Commented Jun 2 at 17:40

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