How can we scale and rotate a water mark and overlay on video using FFmpeg

I have been able to rotate the watermark but not been able to scale it simultaneously

String[] complexCommand2 = {"-y", "-i", videoFilePath, "-i", imagepath, "-filter_complex","[1:v]  rotate=30*PI/180:c=none:ow=rotw(iw):oh=roth(ih) [rotate];[0:v][rotate] overlay=40:10",  "-codec:a","copy", outputFilePath};

This is the command I have used for rotating , how can we scale and rotate the watermark and overlay on video

1 Answer 1


Insert a scale filter after the rotate, e.g.


  • 1
    Could you expand on why it works this way?
    – Burgi
    Commented May 3, 2017 at 7:42

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