I have some text in Word:

enter image description here

And i want some portion to have a bottom border:

enter image description here

So performing the obvious action (and the action documented by Microsoft in KB 145149), i select to apply a Bottom Border:

enter image description here

But rather than applying a bottom border, it applies all Outside Borders:

enter image description here

The reason i know it's all "Outside Border", is because Word tells me:

enter image description here

How do i place a line under text in Word (2010, 64-bit, Windows 10, on a Friday)?

Bonus Reading

  • 2
    As the KB article that you linked to states, the border method that you're trying to use for individual parts of a paragraph works for whole paragraphs only. Did you try applying underlining to spaces (or tab spaces), setting a tab leader, or inserting a drawing object?
    – cnread
    Commented Apr 21, 2017 at 17:22

4 Answers 4


Have you tried just using the underline?

enter image description here


You cannot add a bottom (or any single edge) border to text in Microsoft Word. Instead, use underline.

Regular text has only one border. The following macro confirms.

MsgBox Selection.Font.Borders.Count

As stated below, a Paragraph has four borders (left, right, top, bottom).

MsgBox Selection.Sections(1).Borders.Count

Borders Object (Word)

The number of members in the Borders collection is finite and varies depending on the type of object. For example, a table has six elements in the Borders collection, whereas a paragraph has four.


You can add just a top border or bottom border to a paragraph in MS word; but most annoyingly this feature does not work unless you first select a whole paragraph. then you can select the "top border" or whatever from the menu options. If you've just selected a line of the paragraph, or a word or two, you'll get a full box round whatever you selected.

This is very annoying, and it took me a frustrating while to work out why I kept getting a full border instead of a top border.


If you highlight the word(s) and then go to Font you can change 'underline style',so you can adjust the style and the colour. Simples!

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