I am not sure if this warning is a reason for concern or a reason to add more drives as suggested: Storage Spaces Warning

I have this setup as a 2-way mirror, so that both drives should hold identical data. Both of them are of exactly the same size and both have the same 30% of space free. I therefore do not understand why is it telling me to add more drives, when in fact there is still 30% free space left and I am using a simple mirror for identically-size drives with no parity or other advanced options?

Using Windows 10 10586.

1 Answer 1


It tells you to add two instead of one, that's why two.

Default threshold for this warning is 70%. You could try changing it via

Set-StoragePool -FriendlyName "SS1" -ThinProvisioningAlertThresholds X

in Powershell, where X is percentage of taken space for alert to occur. Documentation here.

  • I understand that, but why is it complaining for a 2-way mirror? I mean I understand why it would complain at 70% full with some other setup (different size disks, parity, etc.), but with this setup, if it is indeed a mirror, as they claim, there should be 30% free space on both drives and no reason to complain about anything. That's what I don't get and what worries me. Is this 70% thing for all storage spaces just a sloppy design decision?
    – Fit Nerd
    Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 13:35

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