Is it possible to change the default windows text font (For folder name and details listing below the default minimum)?

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can do this with a Registry tweak. Navigate to this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

The IconFont value determines the font face and size for most text. The first four bytes store the size. By default, it's 9 (the binary inverse of the sum of 2 and F4 FF FF FF). The bigger those bytes, the smaller the font size. For example, to make the font size be 4, replace F4 with F9 by positioning your cursor before F9, pressing Delete, and typing F4. Log off and back on for the changes to take effect. You can get very tiny text:

Explorer with size 4 text

The other values in that key have the same format. For more information on the various values, see my other answer about this key.

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