Please guys help me i really don't know how to eject my Flash Drive safely when it appears How to safely remove a USB drive when “Windows can't stop your 'Generic volume' device because a program is still using it.”? please how tell me im really worried.


1 Answer 1


If you are not actively using any files on that drive (eg. a file is open in Word) then chances are it's something internal happening, such as

  • Antivirus scan
  • Windows search indexing
  • etc

In these case I prefer waiting a bit - 5 (10 max) min and the problem resolves itself. If it doesn't, or you can't wait then see P. Ktinos's answer.

However, when this happens to me I wait and if it doesn't fix then I simply pull out the usb drive - haven't had anything broken so far. EDIT: if you do this, you must be 100% sure that there is no writing going or you can brick your device

  • 1
    "I simply pull out the usb drive" that is a great way to lose data and perhaps the whole USB stick.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Dec 10, 2016 at 16:54
  • @DavidPostill Yeah, my bad, added a warning
    – Xymanek
    Commented Dec 11, 2016 at 13:14

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