I'm working over ssh on a linux machine (RHEL 6.8) from MacOS (Yosemite) through iTerm2 (3.0.20161031-nightly). On the remote server, I work in screens (Screen version 4.00.03).

Edit: everything below holds true for highlighting text and trying CMD+C, CMD+V for copy/paste

The remote server was rebooted for standard security update reasons the other day. Ever since, copy-paste in the remote screens is all messed up and I have no idea what's going wrong.

If I open up a fresh iTerm2 session on my laptop, I can highlight copy and middle-click paste text with my mouse as usual.

If I ssh into the remote machine and try to copy/paste something from the initial command line prompt, everything works.

If I reconnect to my screen and start a new sub-screen and try to copy/paste something, everything works.

If I log into a similar remote server with a similar setup, go into emacs -nw in a screen on that machine and try to copy/paste, everything works.

However, when I log into this server and connected to a screen running, say ipython or emacs (in terminal mode), which is how I always work, the mouse highlight / middle click paste scheme goes haywire. Until this week, it worked normally.

From within my reconnected screen (I use sub-screens that I flip back and forth between):

  • In emacs highlighting and middle-clicking does nothing (at the moment, though I think before it was behaving the same as below. Edit: it does. The behavior is the same in ipython and emacs, and are apparently tied together).

  • In e.g. ipython, if I highlight some text and then middle-click, what's pasted is actually the text from some number of lines (the exact number changes) below what's highlighted, e.g.:

    ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
    %quickref -> Quick reference.
    help      -> Python's own help system.
    object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

if I highlight "Introduction and overview" and middle-click on the python command line, what's pasted is "Details about 'object', u"

This all worked normally until this week; I might have tweaked some settings in e.g. emacs awhile back to make everything work with the mouse. As far as I know, nothing on my machine has changed. But my understanding of the copy-paste dynamic here is that it would be all my system and not the remote server. But I only see the problem within screens on this remote server.

Any ideas on what might be going wrong here?

  • I have a similar problem. I believe it is related to the fact that we are using screen. I removed the lines relating to mousetrack from my .screenrc and regained access to copy/pasting. I am not sure if mousetrack and mouse-based copy/paste can be made to work together. I am on Windows 8.1 with Cygwin logging into Centos machines. Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 10:43

1 Answer 1


Had a similar issue, for me it was mousetrack option that was confusing me in my ~/.screenrc.

You can turn mousetrack off with:
Ctrl+a+: and :mousetrack off

You can check mousetrack status from active screen with:
Ctrl+a+: and :mousetrack

Turning mousetrack off should convert the mouse behavior to the default for non mouse enabled programs (marking and pasting as expected).

  • Worked for me via putty screen, im going to look to see if i have something overridden in my .screenrc, or add it if not. not sure why it started, maybe because its a different environment that i pulled my screenrc from. Commented Aug 23, 2017 at 23:46

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