Recently I have noticed that when watching YouTube on Chrome, the video is motion interpolated (the "soap opera" effect). When I watch the same video on Firefox using the Flash plugin there is no motion interpolation. Here is an example video:


After doing some research I found out the reason for this. Chrome/Google recently activate a program they call "Project Butter".

I find motion interpolation extremely obnoxious. Is there a way to turn it off? (ideally without using cookies, not psyched about Google tracking me either, which has gotten really creepy recently)

1 Answer 1


This may be due to some youtube videos playing in 60fps, try clicking settings on the video and selecting one that doesn't have 60fps. I think butter was something for Android

  • OP states that other browsers aren't affected, so it's not a matter of framerate.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Jun 11, 2021 at 7:03

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