I'm using a Belgian Azerty keyboard. The chinese input method on Mac OS works just fine, but on Windows, if I use the Google IME for example, a = z q = w etc... so it uses a qwerty layout even though my keyboard is azerty.

Can I make Google IME use an azerty layout, or is there other software that uses the azerty layout instead of qwerty

1 Answer 1


I've used the "chinese keyboard layout changer" tool with success, you can find a download link and instructions here: http://ahmedej.blogspot.be/2011/09/chinese-input-with-non-qwerty-keyboards.html

edit: I'll quote how to manually edit the registry:

  1. Fire up Registry Editor (regedit.exe).

  2. Navigate to[ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts ]and export this key for backup purposes.

  3. Locate the subkey that represents the locale of your keyboard. For example the French locale can be found in key 0000040c

  4. Write down the value of the Layout File key of your chosen locale. For example, for the French locale it is KBDFR.DLL

  5. Locate the Chinese locale you want to change. For example, for the Chinese (Simplified) locale look for a subkey that ends with 0804.

  6. Change the value of the Layout File key of the Chinese locale with the value of the Layout File key you have written down in Step 4.

  7. You can optionally change the value of the Layout Text key of the Chinese locale. For example you can change “Chinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard” into “Chinese (Simplified) – French Keyboard”.

  8. Restart your computer and you are all set!

  • Perfect, worked like a charm, thank you :)
    – dzboot02
    Commented Oct 16, 2020 at 7:08

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