Vim is natively installed on MacOS. I recently installed VIM 8 using Homebrew.

Is there any way to remove the natively installed version of VIM?

Is it common practice to do so, or not?

I'm looking to keep my machine as lean as possible. Also don't see a need to have the old version of VIM around.

1 Answer 1


Removing the bundled version of vim isn't recommended, and is in fact quite difficult:

enter image description here

/usr is protected by System Integrity Protection, which you would need to disable in order to change the contents of /usr/bin. Since vim takes up about 1 MB, this probably isn't worth it.

As long as you have usr/local/bin listed before /usr/bin in your PATH, you'll never open the system-supplied vim anyways. It's probably good practice to keep it around so that users who do not have /usr/local/bin in their path can still use vim (e.g. root for commands like visudo or crontab -e).


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