Current arch linux

My first attempt to use a bluetooth device, a Logitech keyboard. I inserted its dongle in usb port and from instructions on


I did

pacman -S bluez bluez-utils
modprobe btusb
  Waiting to connect to bluetoothd...
hciconfig hci0 sspmode 0
  Can't set Simple pairing mode on hci0: Network is down (100)

Which network is it referring to? hci0? I can't create that till I get the MAC address, for which I need bluetoothctl

Additionally, I have also tried 'bluetoothctl -a' and adding my username to the lp line in /etc/groups, no difference

1 Answer 1


You have forgotten to start bluetooth.service.

sudo systemctl start bluetooth

If you want it to always start, make sure that you enable it.

sudo systemctl enable bluetooth

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