Lately I'm experiencing a weird issue with fonts in Chrome (latest) and Firefox (latest), everything looks "crisp" and not "smooth".

this does not happens on IE and Edge, as you can see on the picture below. I've tried enabling "DirectWrite" under chrome's flags in the past but without any success (chrome 52 no longer supports this flag)

any help would be much appreciated!

enter image description here

EDIT : just so you can see how weird it looks here's another websiteenter image description here

  • Is ClearType enabled system-wide? Last I knew Windows had options for ClearType in browser that were separate (or could be enabled separately) from the system overall. No font smoothing in non-Microsoft browsers seems like this could be part of your issue.
    – dr.nixon
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 20:14

1 Answer 1


eventually found a solution on Reddit , TLDR : download and use This

EDIT : apparently it "ClearType" which made the difference (Start-> "ClearType Text"), just remember to reboot!

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