How easily and continuously monitoring the CPU's temperature using only "sensors"? That is, how continuously monitoring CPU's temperature without additional software (without a gui widget, for example) in a simple and friendly way?

  • 1
    Since you are using the lm-sensors tag, I'm thinking you are refering to the command sensors that comes with the lm-sensors package. is that correct? I always used to use a gnome panel applet called gnome hardware monitor to display graphs in the panel from lmsensors output. in your case, you will have to write a poller-n-parser that will call sensors periodically, parse the response, and do somthing with it to inform the user. I never did figure out a good means to do this after the gnome-3/unity fiasco. Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 14:56
  • You can get a device that fits in the cd/dvd drive bay,that has a probe and shows the temperature on an LCD screen. But there perhaps isn't a great solution for where to put the probe.
    – barlop
    Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 7:34

1 Answer 1


Install "sensors" package.

Run "sensors-detect" to genereate the basic configuration.

TIP: Answer "yes" to everything!

Open a terminal and run "watch -n 1 sensors"!

!!!!EXTRA!!!! - Integrate with KDE/konsole:

Open a konsole and follow "Settings" -> "Configure Konsole ..." and uncheck "Use current window size on next startup."

TIP: To set an appropriate size to your konsole at startup follow "Settings" -> "Edit Current Profile..." -> "General" and set "Columns" and "Rows" as your taste (eg. 110 X 35)!

Open "System Settings" -> "Shortcuts" -> "Custom Shortcuts" and create on the tree a shortcut with the command "TerminalColumns=60;TerminalRows=18" -e watch -n 1 sensors".


  1. "Second mouse button" -> "New" -> "Global Shortcut" -> "Command/URL";
  2. Set the name "sensors";
  3. In the "Trigger" tab to "Shortcut:" use "Alt+Shift+T";
  4. In the tab "Command/URL:" use "konsole -p "TerminalColumns=60;TerminalRows=18" -e watch -n 1 sensors"
  • 1
    nice. glad you got what you were looking for. If you ever find a gui widget, let us know. Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 15:13
  • @Frank Thomas. You can use "conky"! It sounds interesting, but I just want to monitoring the temperature of my CPU in some occasions and nothing else! galaxius.org/doc/conky.html galaxius.org/download/conky/conky.png Commented Aug 22, 2016 at 16:30
  • NOTE: Unfortunately I haven't found a command to hide the konsole's scrollbar too! It would be great if there was one! Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 2:29

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