When I first start my laptop/windows 10, CPU Speed is around 1.85 GHz. if I do something CPU bound task it increase to around 2.40 GHz. Then reduce around 1.80 GHz as expected...

After few hours later.. (sometimes 1 hour later) No particular situation, CPU Speed reduce to 0.96 GHz and doesn't increase anymore... So my laptop starts to work slowly...

It is not a heat issue. Power plan set to High performance.

Is there anyway to detect the reason ?

First hours CPU Speed seems normal...

First hours CPU Speed seems normal...

Lower to 0.96 GHz and doesn't increase anymore:

Lower to 0.96 GHz and doesn't increase anymore

  • 1
    "It is not a heat issue" -- I wouldn't be so sure. Laptops are far from always designed to run for hours on end. Let's see some CPU temperature data.
    – user
    Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 19:22
  • When I restart my laptop it start with normal speed values. I think heat doesn't go away with restart. This is why I do not think it is heat issue. But of course never say never... Current temperature is around 57C. Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 19:52

2 Answers 2


Go to your BIOS and disable Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology. More information on it can be found at http://www.intel.com/cd/channel/reseller/asmo-na/eng/203838.htm

Hope this helps

  • I do not see the setting you wrote... I do not see CPU temperature in my bios either.. is there a advanced bios settings option or something ? My laptop is : asus ux32vd Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 20:15

It turned out driver problem. Lots of people had same problem after upgrading Win 10. I had to downgrade Intel DPTF (Dynamic Platform Termal Framework) from 8.xxx to 6.xxx.

But now problem is my CPU speed doesn't fall blow 2.5 (which higher then average speed)

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