When you exit full-screen in PuTTY, it goes back into a non-maximized state, regardless of whether it was maximized or not before going full-screen.

Is there a way to make it return to maximized mode, or even just return to the state it was in? Shrinking has the unpleasant side-effect of truncating long lines that had been displayed when maximized/full-screen.


1 Answer 1


If you intend to always use PuTTY in the same 2 modes (maximized and full screen), you can set a constant size in the Window Preferences and then select Forbid Resizing Completely:

alt text

I'm not sure on your screen resolution, but you can play around with the columns and rows until it is the same size as a maximized window. Then ensure you check off forbid resizing completely and this window size will be restored when coming out of full screen mode.

Another solution is to use Autohotkey:

#ifwinactive ahk_class PuTTY
Send {Alt down}{Enter down}{Alt up}{Enter up}

This will toggle between fullscreen mode and maximized mode. Script tested and working on Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7.

  • If I use the forbid resizing completely option, it seems I can no longer go into full-screen mode. The Autohotkey solution almost works, but goes through the "non-maximized" state before maximizing, which keeps the undesired side-effect of truncating long lines in the terminal.
    – Ed Mazur
    Commented Feb 16, 2010 at 2:49
  • How about using the option When window is resized: change the number of rows and columns but also set your rows and columns very high so it appears maximized already? That way when you transfer out of full-screen it will still be large and not truncate the text.
    – user1931
    Commented Feb 16, 2010 at 3:03
  • You're very welcome :)
    – user1931
    Commented Feb 16, 2010 at 3:43

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