I have used this exact combination as my password on my both my computers running windows 7. I uppgraded one of them to windows 10 and it seems that the program wich u write the password in to on win10 uses this ctrl + backspace as deleting the whole word. This meens i cant get the correct symbol to my password to login. How should i proceed?

  • In NotePad Ctrl-Bksp generates 0x7F, but I don't know of an alternative key combination, or whether the W10 password input routine will handle this any differently. Even pasting from the clip-board doesn't work. I think the only way you are going to get past this is by changing the password. If you haven't enabled an alternative account with a password you can type, you should be able to do it in safe mode, or failing that with an installation or diagnostic disc. You could also try changing the log-in to use an MS account, where you can set a usable password.
    – AFH
    Commented Jun 16, 2016 at 15:15

1 Answer 1


My way would be to:

  1. check what symbol shows up when you type Ctrl+Bckspc
  2. get a code of this symbol for example from here
  3. then use tools described in this question, probably AutoHotkey, to assign behaviour of Ctrl+Bckspc to a specific symbol (that you get in the previous steps)

As far as I see AutoHotkey enables you to highly customise hotkey scripts, so I would expect it to work.

However, this will likely disable this handy option to erase whole word using Ctrl+Bckspc.

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