I got a Raspberry pi which is connected to router's wan port. Another win7 computer is connected to the router's lan port. I tether my phone to raspberry and want to share its connection to the other devices.

I first tried it other way around (windows pc sharing the connection) using the instructions posted on here : Setting up wifi router as a switch for Internet Connection Sharing

I followed those instructions except that I'm using the raspberry. I believe everything is correct so far, I just need to set up the equivalent for the tap in Windows 7 "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection."

How do I do that in Linux?

1 Answer 1


You need to configure Masquerading using IPtables in RasberryPi. In this your outgoing interface will be your USB connection where Phone is connected.

Have a look at this link, on setting up a simple Linux Box as a Router and Firewall

  • 1
    Thanks man, but I didnt manage to get it to work. Would you please instruct me step by step?
    – TaSole
    Commented Jun 10, 2016 at 10:40

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