I recently downloaded XCOM 2. I noticed whenever I played, after 10 minutes or so the fan would be going crazy, I guess due to overheating. This was never an issue in the year I have been using this rig (I built it myself), it is usually a quiet computer. After a few days of gaming, my computer crashed and I had to re-install Windows.

Since I am not knowledgeable in this field, I am hoping some of you guys could help. I reinstalled the game and took CPU readings while playing (and the fan was going nuts). Are these readings high, and if so, what should I do to make sure my computer doesn't crash again?

enter image description here

Some specs:

  • SAPPHIRE DUAL-X 100373L Radeon R9 280 3GB 384-Bit
  • AMD A10-6800K APU with Radeon HD Graphics Processor 4.10 GHz
  • XFX 550W TS Series 80+ Bronze Single Rail ATX 12V 44A 24PIN ATX Power Supply
  • Cooler Master N200 mATX / mITX Tower Case Black
  • Gigabyte F2A88XM-D3H mATX FM2+ A88X DDR3 2PCI-E16 PCI-E1 PCI CrossFire SATA3 HDMI USB3 Motherboard
  • 16 GB of RAM

Also I didn't use thermal paste when building it. Maybe that is the culprit?

Let me know if more information is needed.

  • You didnt use thermal paste on the CPU? Commented Jun 8, 2016 at 5:44
  • "I didn't use thermal paste when building it. " - Since you are not using a water cooler, this is the entire problem, it has nothing to do with the programs your running. How you made it a year without thermal paste confuses the heck out of me. You having to reinstall Windows, was an unrealted problem, to the overheating problem.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 8, 2016 at 17:41

2 Answers 2


The problem looks clear from the screenshot. If the readings are correct, you have a CPU thermal transfer problem. The core temp (package) is extremely high (100) compared to CPU socket temp (43), which means that you need to remove the heat-sink, clean it up and add thermal paste, because the heat no longer transfers well from CPU to heat-sink.

Also, please use GPU-Z to get a T reading from the video card sensor.


Your temperatures are extremely high. Your computer is crashing as the CPU is so hot it is automatically shutting down to prevent hardware failure.

You need to apply thermal paste (properly) now! Once you do so the temperatures should fall back to safe temperatures, and your PC will be quieter.

  • I agree. Whenever building a PC, thermal paste is an absolute must. Not using it could risk damaging your CPU! Commented Jun 8, 2016 at 6:12

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