I am upgrading my Dell XPS 13 9333's SSD from 128gb to 512gb. I have been able to get all the stuff over to my new SSD (my old one is in a USB enclosure), but I cannot expand my Windows 10 (/dev/sda5) and Ubuntu 16.04 (/dev/sda8) partitions because have a rather tricky partition arrangement. This is what gparted reports: My partition layout /dev/sda10 is a empty partition I created, to see if creating a partition will help me expand another partition. The partition at the end is my /dev/sda10, to the right of that is unallocated space. /dev/sda7 is for Intel Rapid Start on windows, there are also a few other various partitions for windows to use. I have tried to expand the Windows and Ubuntu partitions, but it doesn't let me. I believe this is because the partitions are not next to the unallocated space. How could I easily expand the Windows partition (/dev/sda5) to ~300gb, and Ubuntu (/dev/sda8) to whatever is left? Please give very specific instructions about how to do this task, because I am a beginner to gparted and cannot understand instructions from other sites about how to move partitions.

1 Answer 1


You can move partitions in order to align the unallocated space with the partitions you want to expand. See this answer for advice pertaining to a similar question.

The GParted Manual (Contents in the gparted Help menu) explains how to move a partition in the Advanced Partition Actions section, within Working with Partitions. You can choose the Resize/Move item in the Partition menu, for an unmounted partition.

  • How do I move a partition? I haven't been able to find a clear explanation on the internet.
    – Merlin04
    Commented May 9, 2016 at 22:14

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