On my PC I am able to play a couple of games at 60fps, and my monitor refresh rate is 60fps. However, when I move my mouse around on the desktop and drag Windows from one place to another it's kind of choppy; it looks like it's moving at 30fps to me. I notice on certain YouTube videos some people's mice move incredibly smooth. How do I accomplish this, is it a setting in Windows? (My mouse is completely usable, its just strange how it doesn't look very smooth). I do not have mouse precision on.

EDIT: I have a wireless laser mouse.

  • For mice you have "position updates per second", not really frames. And for USB HID mice, the default is 125 per second, with gaming mice often configured for 1000 updates/second polling rate. Your wireless signal is quite possible the problem, can you borrow a wired USB mouse and see whether it moves more smoothly?
    – Ben Voigt
    Commented Apr 25, 2016 at 0:55
  • Also, are you using a wired or wireless network connection? Wireless network can interfere with the wireless mouse signal, see superuser.com/q/199348/29943
    – Ben Voigt
    Commented Apr 25, 2016 at 0:57
  • No I use a wired connection and have Wi-Fi turned off in settings
    – JCTechie
    Commented Apr 26, 2016 at 14:38
  • 1
    I have this problem also. When I open recording applications such as OBS this problem goes away
    – sam1370
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 5:09


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