Now that I want convert and import a vmware VM to Hyper V. My ovf file with vmdk amd mf files are located in C:\OvfHVTest2.

I used the command in powershell:

Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter\MvmcCmdlet.psd1"
New-MvmcVirtualMachineFromOvf -DestinationLiteralPath "C:\OvfHVTest2"

It gives me the following error message:

New-MvmcVirtualMachineFromOvf : No bootable drive was found for the virtual machine . This could be due to that the virtual machine does not have a valid operating system. At line:1 char:1 + New-MvmcVirtualMachineFromOvf -DestinationLiteralPath "C:\OvfHVTest2" + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Microsoft.Accel...isioningService:HyperVProvisioningService) [New-MvmcVirtu alMachineFromOvf], BootableDriveNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NewMvmcVirtualMachine,Microsoft.Accelerators.Mvmc.Cmdlet.Commands.NewMvmcVirtualMachineF romOvfCommand

New-MvmcVirtualMachineFromOvf : One or more errors occurred. At line:1 char:1 + New-MvmcVirtualMachineFromOvf -DestinationLiteralPath "C:\OvfHVTest2" + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Microsoft.Accel...isioningService:HyperVProvisioningService) [New-MvmcVirtu alMachineFromOvf], AggregateException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NewMvmcVirtualMachine,Microsoft.Accelerators.Mvmc.Cmdlet.Commands.NewMvmcVirtualMachineF romOvfCommand

The guest VM is running Windows 7 Professional SP1. Could anyone please help me?

Thank you!

1 Answer 1


I encountered this kind of error when I tried to run the conversion tool in the directory which should be the target. Try setting -DestinationLiteralPath value to something different than the current directory.


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