Using Windows 7 (64bit). I have an RFID Pad connected to my PC via USB.

My issue is that whenever the RFID pad is connected and I start the PC, I get a blue screen of death just after the 'Starting Windows' screen.

I have tried to troubleshoot this and I have found the following (after lots of trial and error);

  • If I remove the RFID USB from the PC before startup, it boots just fine
  • If I plugin the RFID USB after login, it works fine
  • If I disable the RFID port (COM4) in device manager then reboot, it works
  • If I enable the RFID port (COM4) in device manager then reboot, I get a blue screen

Presumably somewhere around the Windows OS Loader, the RFID device is being recognized and for whatever reason my PC doesn't like it. However if I 'trick' the PC and plug the device in after login, all is well.

The issue isn't local to one PC, it's several that are setup the same. Presumably it's a driver issue, but I've tried numerous drivers and getting nowhere.

So, is there anyway I can 'delay' the RFID port (COM4) from being active until after I login? I'm pretty sure this will work.

I have been looking at MS devcon but I'm not sure if it would work, of what sort of .bat script I would require?

I'd need to permanently disable the COM4 port. Enable only after login.

Any help here is appreciated as I'm lost :/

1 Answer 1


What if you use the disable USB port program via Task Scheduler on user logoff and enable on user logon?

Or use Microsoft' devcon command to disable/enable the specific device using Task Scheduler.

  • Your welcome let me know the results Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 13:29
  • I thought this worked but it actually doesn't :( I still receive a BSOD randomly when working at the PC. I've still accepted your answer though. Any other suggestions would be great though! @NetworkKingPin
    – jonboy
    Commented Mar 9, 2016 at 14:09
  • Hey I just found This Link which may actually help you out with your issue. Commented Mar 9, 2016 at 14:47
  • And sorry it didn't help much before. I hope this helps if it does I will add it in and note the credit. Commented Mar 9, 2016 at 14:48

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