Normally I use tail -F, but on heavy usage it is getting irresponsible and unreadable.

On ssh I also use buyobu to type password only once. But when any of screens become irresponsible then all screens are blocked. And I can not kill any screen by ctrl+c nor ctrl+d. That why I don’t know how to use Byoubu for all of my needs.

I would like to see something like: tail -F but which skips efficiently what is above that given rate (f.ex.: 4 pages per 500ms).

Ideally would be in cycles printing X pages and skipping for Y time and then printing last X pages of text but only those which are new.

Does anyone know any tool or command combination to achieve this? Or I need to write my script or program?

Quick but partial solution during "tail freeze":

  • detach from byoubu (F6)
  • killall tail
  • go back to byobu (will preserve previous layout)
  • 1
    Could try kill -STOP tail for a while...
    – Xen2050
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 8:55
  • But still to execute kill I have to create new terminal. It should be possible to do it on byobu. "Remove split" may work but usually I am on other split. "Kill current window" kills all so it is not good. Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 10:14
  • Would suspend with CTRL-Z work? It sends the same -STOP signal if I'm not mistaken. But you said ctrl-c & ctrl-d don't work, so maybe this won't either
    – Xen2050
    Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 14:51
  • I would work same as ctrl-c/ctrl-d only if you are on this particular split where the logs are attacking. Any more complicated case results I no response. Commented Feb 10, 2016 at 15:39

2 Answers 2


less seems to give me a static "snapshot" of a text file.

If the file is subsequently added to, pressing End (and probably some other combinations too) will re-load the "new" end of the file.


Advice for writing a script:

Make a script that remembers the last offset, tail for at most 4x80 lines from that point, adjust your last offset and wait 500ms.

Counting new lines rate example can be useful: link

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