I use Chocolatey to manage as many Windows applications as I can, including Git. I use Git For Windows (git-cmd.exe) as my default command prompt.

But this means that if I do a choco upgrade all -y in G4W, and one of the upgrades is to Git, an error occurs when choco tries to replace git-cmd.exe.

Is there any way to upgrade Git via Chocolatey from within G4W? Alternatively, is there a way to get Chocolatey to skip over Git upgrades (at which point I'd notice and switch to regular cmd.exe for that upgrade)?

1 Answer 1


A recent addition to Chocolatey was the concept of "upgrade all except...".

You can find details about this in the issue that was tracking this:


As a result of this addition, you should be able to do the following:

choco upgrade all --except="skype,conemu"

  • 1
    However, this is not available except in the prerelease and will be available in 0.9.10+. Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 17:15
  • See, I knew there was something I missed in this post :-) I thought this had snuck into stable, but I only have the pre-release on my machine, so wasn't in a position to verify :-D Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 19:22

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