Is it possible to remap the controls in the copy mode of tmux? I want to remap a few keys in the vi layout of the copy mode.

Yes, I've googled the problem. A lot. I haven't found a way to remap the copy mode keybinding, just the ability to switch between vi and emacs layout. I have a non-standard keyboard layout, neither of these is particularly useful to me.

1 Answer 1


Yes, it is possible.

bind-key -t vi-copy n cursor-down
bind-key -t vi-copy r cursor-up
bind-key -t vi-copy b cursor-left
bind-key -t vi-copy s cursor-right

This will list your current bindings: tmux list-keys -t vi-copy

Found here: http://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/vi-mode-in-tmux/

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