In my house I have 2 playstations. My wife and I both play together. On all sort of games but mostly on call of duty. Recently we have been playing Black Ops 3 and have been having problems. We have problems on most games but not as bad as with BO3. The nat type will change from open to strict on hers then on mine from moderate to strict. I'm thinking the problem is 2 playstations trying to use the same ports on the same network so I thought of portforwarding but you can't portforward the same ports to 2 different IP's.

So 1, would it work if I DMZ 1 IP, then portforward the other? And 2, if not can anybody help me solve this issue

  • Setup a single router, forward the port to that, connect Playstions to it. This allows multiple devices to have traffic forwarded to a single port
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 3:01
  • @Ramhound Do you mean set up a second, dedicated router (we can call this the "playstation" router), which connects to the main router?
    – misha256
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 3:11
  • @LMFAO_A_JOKE Oh man, you're completely right, the heart of the problem is the one public IP address. BRING ON IPv6 already!
    – misha256
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 3:15
  • So your saying there's nothing I can do to help this problem?
    – kid622
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 3:16
  • @kid622 Unless the Game Server is implemented in a way that allows multiple players per single IP address, then no, there's nothing much you can do about it. I'm surprised that this issue even exists today, considering that 98% folks are behind a NAT and surely there's 1000s of cases of multiple Playstations behind one public IP. So far as I can see (I do a bit of coding myself) creating a game server that works around these issues should be do-able. This is a Sony fail. It's their baby, they should have foreseen this and dealt to it long time ago.
    – misha256
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 3:20

1 Answer 1


To answer your question - using both port forwarding and DMZ would not help your situation. Placing a host in the DMZ means that any ports that aren't handled by port forwarding are instead routed to your DMZ host. As such, port forwarding would take priority, and still only work with one of your machines.

Is this related to your issue? If so, it looks like there is no way to currently do this properly, but some information from this thread may be useful to you.

As @LMFAO_A_JOKE has pointed out and extracted from this thread, the issue is likely due to having the same public IP address being presented to the game server by two different consoles. This has to be handled by the game server in a way that will allow both machines to co-operate, and has nothing to do with what ports are forwarded or opened correctly on your side. As such, the only current way to rectify this would be to have another public IP address, which is not easily possible when you have only one WAN line available.

Note - it's not impossible as typically you could use VPN tunneling or a proxy to present an IP address from a different location, however, how viable this would be with Playstation hardware and trying to get a low latency gaming experience, I don't know.

  • Thank you for responding, I have read that article and I do plan on trying it but the poster was specifically talking about GTA5 and I wasn't sure it would work for BO3. And the post was from 2014 and I didn't know if a better solution had been posted yet
    – kid622
    Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 2:54
  • 1
    @Jonno No worries man!! Just a system admin helping with what I can when I get free time around here... Commented Jan 7, 2016 at 3:27

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