I have a Fujifilm Finepix HS35 EXR camera.

To have access to photos, saved on its card, I have to use a thing called DeviceDisplayObjectProvider.exe, an unwanted interface, that comes up as soon I connect the camera via USB port.

The question is if there a way to have the camera as a new device letter, as a ordinary pendrive stick, not as Fujifilm Digital Camera (as it appears on File Explorer). As a Digital Camera, I cannot save other files if they're not a picture or video and other disadvantages.

  • Windows 7 64bits here. Commented Dec 25, 2015 at 11:23

1 Answer 1


Just saw your question so ? looking at my phone plugged in showing on windows tree showing removable disk (F} If I highlight it I can change it's name. Win 7 pro 64 Is that what your looking for? I use the phone for almost all pictures? Also if you clk the camera to open it it should give you additional file listings that you could then save to or make more folders.

  • Thank you, but your suggestion says nothing. I have no tree of files or removable disk (F or other) when I plug the camera. That is just what I want. Instead, I got that unwanted wizard guiding the download of pictures. I'm looking a way to get rid of that and be able to browse tree of files right on Windows Explorer, through a drive letter, as you do with your phone. Commented Feb 19, 2016 at 12:04
  • Forgot to say: yes, I'm on a Windows Seven Ultimate 64 bits. Commented Feb 19, 2016 at 12:05
  • Looking at the camera info seems to show the requrement to manage the memory card it needs the MyFinePix Stuio fujifilm.com/support/digital_cameras/manuals/pdf/index/s/… I was looking around pg 80 and the pdf display is mismatched #s Page 80 of the manual shows page 94 in the pdf menu bar so that's my starting point. And pg 61 for starters. Commented Feb 25, 2016 at 16:56
  • Looking at the camera info seems to show the requrement to manage the memory card it needs the fujifilm.com/support/digital_cameras/manuals/pdf/index/s/… I was looking around pg 80 and the pdf display is mismatched #s so that's my starting point. And pg 61 for starters. To get it to see and display the pictures in win 7 or any the camera has to talk to the computer and I think this is the talker. Call this part one and I'll continue with pt 2 due to the page limitations on this site. Commented Feb 25, 2016 at 16:58
  • Pt 2 continued To get it to see and display the pictures in win 7 or any the camera has to talk to the computer and I think the is the talker. I'm thinking your real close to getting what you want. I'm pasting pg 84 and it should work. Part 3 is comming. this site is making it hard to post the page I made up for you so next up #3 3 Turn the camera on and follow the on-screen i nstructions to copy pictures to the computer. To exit without copying pictures, click Cancel . Commented Feb 25, 2016 at 17:05

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