I am trying to open the same document in two tabs of Foxit reader, but I don't know how to do it. What I did or what I want to do :

  1. I just open one PDF with Foxit reader.
  2. Same file: I want to open it in the same instance of Foxit, but in a different tab.

But If I open same PDF again, in any way, it comes to the same tab in that same file was open.

  • 1
    Hi welcome to SuperUser. Can you edit your question to explain what you have tried so far?
    – Burgi
    Commented Dec 18, 2015 at 16:53

3 Answers 3


I've tried this answer from the Foxit forum, and it works with Foxit reader v9.7

I have found a way to open multiple instances of the same PDF in different tabs:

  1. Open the desired PDF.
  2. Go to File
  3. Under 'recent documents', right-click on the PDF and select 'Open a copy'.

A copy of the PDF should now have been opened in a different tab.


Unfortunately this function is not supported in Foxit Reader. I would recommend making a copy of your file and then opening that copy in a separate tab.

  • Well features like 1- multiple-tabs of the same document and 2- a nice dark-mode are good ideas to add in the software (I take it as you are in the team of devs...) Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 10:05

Two methods:

  1. Open the PDF document with Foxit Reader

    Go to "View" -> click on "Split", then you'll see the same PDF document been displayed separately in one PDF window.

  2. Go to

    File -> Preference -> Documents "open setting" -> check box "Allow multiple instances"-> ok

    then open Foxit reader->open and "choose your same pdf"

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