I can list all files in a folder with: dir \\aenw08v401\FOLDER\I001\*

However, when I execute cd \\aenw08v401\FOLDER\I001, the current working directory won't change at all.

This is what I see when I execute net view \\aenw08v401:

Shared resources at \\aenw08v401
Share name  Type  Used as  Comment

FOLDER    Disk
The command completed successfully.

Is there a switch I am missing, or do I need to use a different command?


1 Answer 1


The Windows command prompt cmd does not support UNC paths as current directories.

C:\Users\User1>cd \\myServer\myShare
CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories.

Solution: Use pushd.

C:\Users\User1>pushd \\myServer\myShare

 Volume in drive Z is MYDRIVE
 Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678

 Directory of Z:\

12/16/2015  11:18 AM    <DIR>          .
12/16/2015  11:18 AM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  120,609,575,936 bytes free



Alternate Solution: Map the UNC path to a drive letter.

C:\Users\User1>net use Y: \\myServer\myShare 
The command completed successfully.


 Volume in drive Y is MYDRIVE
 Volume Serial Number is 1234-5678

 Directory of Y:\

12/16/2015  11:18 AM    <DIR>          .
12/16/2015  11:18 AM    <DIR>          ..
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  120,609,575,936 bytes free


C:\Users\User1>net use /delete Y:
Y: was deleted successfully.
  • 2
    The pushd solution worked perfectly for me, though in the end psexec worked out better for me
    – tomdemuyt
    Commented Dec 17, 2015 at 12:36
  • 2
    Or use PowerShell where cd \\Server\path just works. Commented May 10, 2018 at 20:44
  • I first tried the second one, it worked like magic.
    – Jovylle
    Commented Nov 19, 2021 at 16:28

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