I have a new Lenovo Y70 PC and I was trying to use it to record some gameplay of Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut. I set the limit to an hour and the entire time, I saw the timer in red in the upper right corner of my screen so I knew it was recording and I knew how much time I had left.

But when I stopped recording after about 55 minutes, and went to my Captures folder to retrieve the video, it was only 3 minutes long. It's as if the game bar stopped capturing on its own and truncated the video, even though the timer was clearly running for the whole 55 minutes.

I tried the same thing again, and the second time, I only got 15 seconds of video.

What is going on here? I have tried searching around and could not find anything that describes the same problems. Does the game bar time out if it thinks it's not recording a game or something?

1 Answer 1


Alternatives for recording gameplay: Fraps, Dxtory, NVIDIA Shadowplay (this is really good for use, but only works with NVIDIA video cards), Plays.tv (alternative from Raptr/AMD), OBS. Try them and find what you looking for!

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    This seems like more of a comment than an actual answer. Once you have sufficient reputation, you'll be able to comment everywhere.
    – Ben N
    Commented Feb 20, 2016 at 20:57
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    – fixer1234
    Commented Feb 20, 2016 at 21:36

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