Apologies if I am missing any pertinent information, this is the first time asking advice on a forum.

RHEL 6.4 AND RHEL 5.3 - NOT simultaneously, just have multiple computers to install to that have different requirements with the exact matching hardware.


Issue: When booting to RHEL (6.4,5.3) disc, during initial set up, I am receiving an error.

RHEL 6.4: Error Partitioning Could not allocate requested partitions: not enough free space on disks. Press 'OK' to exit the installer.

RHEL 5.3 Specified nonexistent disk sda in clearpart command

My thoughts are that it is not recognizing the SSD in either OS. I have replaced the SSD with a standard HDD and was able to install 6.4, still no 5.3. - This was to ensure that it was the SSD causing the issue and not the motherboard.

Also, please be sensitive to the fact that I am extremely new to Linux so please explain high level answers in such a way that would be understandable to someone trying to learn. And please take into consideration that I cannot change out ANY hardware or OS versions.

  • I wonder if the SSD's have come pre-partitioned or something. I would try booting with a Pendrive, then seeing if the disks are accessible through that. Specifically I'd run fdisk /dev/sdX if the disks are found and delete all partitions on the disk - then try a re-install.
    – davidgo
    Commented Dec 4, 2015 at 1:14
  • Thanks for the response - I went down that road too a little.. I removed all partitions from the SSD using Windows Disk Management. Still getting the same errors. To further expand, I also converted the MBR to GPT and tried pre-partitioning. - Between each step I tried to install RHEL with no success.
    – Nic Aslett
    Commented Dec 4, 2015 at 14:10

1 Answer 1


I bypassed the kickstart file for RHEL6 and it installed the OS on the SSD.
What was throwing me in the kickstart was -
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append=" rhgb crashkernel=auto quiet"
and line
clearpart --all --drives=sda

It sounded as if it was specifying a specific disc location vs being open to any drive available. As I said, I am extremely new to Linux. If my thought process is wrong, please correct me and help me learn.


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