I'm working on Salesforce development using the MavensMate plugin for Sublime Text 3. I'm wanting to create a custom completions file that will contain some common HTML tag class names that I use often in my Visualforce pages.

Visualforce uses normal HTML tags, but also has custom tags that look something like this...

<apex:tagName ... />

Visualforce pages have a file name extension "filename.page". MavensMate uses the HTML syntax highlighting, and when I press "ctrl+alt+shift+p" to get the scope selector(s) it shows the same as a normal HTML file would (ie text.html.basic).

I can get my completions file to work in a normal HTML page outside of tags, but not within a class definition in a tag. I can't seem to get it to work at all in a Visualforce page.

My initial file was based of the documentation found here.

   "scope": "text.html.basic",

      { "trigger": "test\tTheTest", "contents": "this is a test" }

Unfortunately I can't get it to work. I've tried every permutation of the above scope. My file is named "test.sublime-completions" and is located in the Packages/User/ directory. I've tried renaming to HTML.sublime-completions, html.sublime-completions.

I've changed the "auto_complete_selector" and the "auto_complete_triggers" to try and solve this, but still nothing.

"auto_complete_selector": "source, text, string.quoted.double.html",
        "characters": "<",
        "selector": "text.html",
        "selector": "string.quuoted.double.html"

I made a post on the ST forums found here but nobody has replied. :(

Can anyone shed some light on to what I'm doing wrong, and how I can get this resolved.

As a work around I can make Snippets for each class, but it seems more appropriate to do this via Completions.

1 Answer 1


It's probably because your scope specification is invalid. the following works perfectly fine for me:

   "scope": "text.html",

      { "trigger": "test\tTheTest", "contents": "this is a test" }
  • I've switched my scope to match yours, and it is still not working. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
    – Doug B
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 14:14
  • Ok, so I got it to work in HTML outside of a tag class definition, but I still can't get it to work inside a class on a tag. Also I think I have another issue. I'm going to update my post.
    – Doug B
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 14:52

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