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Outlook 2013 Windows & Extend Email Notification Longer Than 30 seconds

Is there a way to make the desktop email notification fotfor Outlook 2013 in Windows 7 stay on longer than 30 seconds? In previous versions the registry could be changed to make it stay on for days. This doesn't work on 2013/WIN 7.

Outlook 2013 Windows & Email Notification Longer Than 30 seconds

Is there a way to make the desktop email notification fot Outlook 2013 in Windows 7 stay on longer than 30 seconds? In previous versions the registry could be changed to make it stay on for days. This doesn't work on 2013/WIN 7.

Extend Email Notification Longer Than 30 seconds

Is there a way to make the desktop email notification for Outlook 2013 in Windows 7 stay on longer than 30 seconds? In previous versions the registry could be changed to make it stay on for days. This doesn't work on 2013/WIN 7.

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Outlook 2013 Windows & Email Notification Longer Than 30 seconds

Is there a way to make the desktop email notification fot Outlook 2013 in Windows 7 stay on longer than 30 seconds? In previous versions the registry could be changed to make it stay on for days. This doesn't work on 2013/WIN 7.