Storyblok Raises $80M Series C - Read News

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Product Roadmap

Discover what we are currently working on and what new features are on the horizon. Be sure to check out our public changelog for the latest releases, improvements to the Storyblok App and SDKs, and recent bug fixes.

In Evaluation

In Development & Newly Launched

  • Section titled Enhanced History Enhanced History

    Enhancing our content history feature to offer a clearer view of previous versions and authors. We're refining the interface for a cleaner look and integrating advanced enterprise-grade capabilities for a more robust experience.

    • Released
    • SBD-490
    • Community Plan
    • Content
    • User Experience
    • Content Authoring
  • Bringing the power of Spotlight Search functionalities to Storyblok. This tool empowers users to swiftly browse through Storyblok with the highest accuracy and speed.

    • Released
    • SBD-490
    • Community Plan
    • User Experience
    • Developer Experience
  • Section titled Slack Integration Enhancement Slack Integration Enhancement

    We have drastically enhanced our Slack integration, enabling notifications to channels or users about any actions within a space.

    • Released
    • SBD-208
    • Entry Plan
    • User Experience
    • Extensions
    • Collaboration
  • Section titled Stacked View for Stories Stacked View for Stories

    Enables you to stack stories on top of each other so you can view and edit nested or referenced stories – without opening them in a new tab.

    • Released
    • SBD-453
    • Entry Plan
    • User Experience
    • Editing
    • Content
  • Section titled Color Accessibile Themes Color Accessibile Themes

    Introducing color themes to the application will allow users to choose their preferred color scheme. This initiative aims to meet EU accessibility standards by providing accessible color schemes.

    • In Development
    • SBD-362
    • Community Plan
    • User Experience
    • Developer Experience
  • Section titled AI Powered Translation AI Powered Translation

    Streamline the translation of text-based content using an artificial intelligence approach that supports translations at both the field and folder levels.

    • In Development
    • SBD-535
    • Community Plan
    • Internationalization
    • User Experience
    • Editing
  • Section titled Algolia Plugin Algolia Plugin

    Enhance the integration between Algolia and Storyblok by developing a core-level plugin that can create and update indexes, even for enterprise-level projects.

    • In Development
    • SBD-567
    • Business Plan
    • Extensions
    • Developer Experience
  • Section titled Enhanced Shopify Plugin Enhanced Shopify Plugin

    Improve the existing Shopify Plugin by updating it to use the latest Shopify Partner API and enhancing security with a new authentication flow.

    • In Development
    • SBD-533
    • Business Plan
    • Extensions
    • Security
  • Section titled MS Teams Plugin MS Teams Plugin

    Create the MS Teams plugin to match the level of Slack-Storyblok integration by enabling teams to receive notifications in their preferred messaging tool.

    • In Development
    • SBD-536
    • Enterprise Plan
    • Extensions
    • Collaboration
    • Content Authoring
  • Section titled Accessible Storyblok Accessible Storyblok

    Making Storyblok Application accessible to a wider audience by accommodating users with diverse abilities, ensuring inclusivity for those with limitations.

    • Q4 2024
    • SBD-172
    • Community Plan