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There are times when clients have a great idea but lack the necessary capital to turn the concept into a reality.  For these customers, RustyBrick will often recommend starting with a prototype.  

A prototype is a sample, limited in function and scope that demonstrates how the end-product or service will perform. The prototype aims at showcasing a select number of use-cases that illustrate how users would use the web site or application. A prototype is a useful tool and can often make a huge difference when raising a seed round of capital.

There are times when the prototype is not used for raising money, but rather to conceptualize all the various iterations of the application before full design and coding can begin. Early attention to detail can save on budget and clarify the scope and direction of the project. Prototyping is also useful for ironing out usability concerns.

Looking to design a prototype of your software or web site application? Contact RustyBrick for a quote today.

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